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Clingers - 18x24 Wall Cut Out - $50.00
Clingers - 24x36 Wall Cut Out - $70.00
4x6 - $8.00
5x7 - $10.00
8x10 - $15.00
11x14 - $25.00
16x20 - $50.00
20x30 - $60.00
Stainless 20 oz Water Bottle - $15.00
Magnet 3.5 x 5 inch - $10.00
Mug - $15.00
Laptop Clinger - 12inch - $15.00
Laptop Clinger - 15 inch - $17.00
2 - 8x10 (same pose) - $25.00
2 - 5x7 (same pose) - $17.00
8 wallets (same pose) - $15.00
Low-resolution download. Web ready - 640 x 480 pix - $8.00
High-resolution download. All print ready - origin - $20.00
Multiple Photo Package
This package has multiple items. You can either use the current photo for all items or select different photos for each item.
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2006 Maine Youth Football
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Brunswick 49ers vs Lincoln County JV
Brunswick Bears vs Brunswick Dolphins
Brunswick Broncos vs Lincoln County Varsity
Brunswick Jets vs Brunswick Giants
Brunswick Packers vs Freeport
Brunswick Patriots vs Rockland JV
Brunswick Raiders vs Rockland
Brunswick Ravens vs Falmouth Gold
Harvest Bowl - JV - So Portland Fire vs Cowboys
Harvest Bowl - JV - SoPortland Big Red vs Yarmouth
Harvest Bowl - JV - Steelers vs Falmouth Blue
Harvest Bowl Varsity - Boothbay vs Lincoln Co
Harvest Bowl Varsity - Boothbay vs Raiders
Harvest Bowl Varsity - Broncos vs Raiders
Harvest Bowl Varsity - Cowboys vs SoPort Big Red
Harvest Bowl Varsity - Cumberland vs Falmouth
Harvest Bowl Varsity - Cumberland vs SoPort Fire
Harvest Bowl Varsity - Cumberland vs Yarmouth
Harvest Bowl Varsity - Falmouth vs Cowboys
Harvest Bowl Varsity - Falmouth vs Steelers
Harvest Bowl Varsity - Rockland vs Boothbay
Harvest Bowl Varsity - Rockland vs Broncos
Harvest Bowl Varsity - Rockland vs Camden
Harvest Bowl Varsity - Yarmouth vs Lisbon
HB-State JV Game - SoPort vs Rockland
HB-State Varsity Game - Rockland vs Cumberland
Lincoln County High School
Lincoln County Varsity vs Brunswick Dragons JV
Portland Bobcats vs Portland Badgers
Portland Cowboys JV vs Falmouth JV
Portland Cowboys vs Falmouth Blue
Portland Steelers JV vs Lisbon JV
Portland Steelers JV vs Yarmouth JV
Portland Steelers vs Lisbon
Portland Steelers vs Yarmouth
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